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/ The Best of Windows 95 Shareware / The Best of Windows 95 Shareware (Wayzata Technology)(1996).ISO / pc / games / omf20

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Image (8)  |  Audio (3)  |  Document (3)  |  Text (11)  |  Other (45)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
omf20.zip PKZip Archive 70 3MB 1995-11-30

Images (8)

Audio & Music (3)
- One Must Fall! 1 - Epic Megagames MASI Module 1m18s 76KB 1995-07-03
- One Must Fall! 6 - Epic Megagames MASI Module 1m20s 119KB 1995-07-03
- One Must Fall! 3 - Epic Megagames MASI Module 1m45s 104KB 1995-07-03

Document (3)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
netterm.int ITS International Module 633b 1995-07-03
order.int ITS International Module 11KB 1995-07-03
setup.int ITS International Module 9KB 1995-07-03

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
file_id.diz Text File 12 417b 1995-07-20
helpme.doc Text File 430 18KB 1995-07-03
license.doc Text File 304 15KB 1995-07-03
manual.doc Text File 717 30KB 1995-07-03
modems.txt INI File 53 3KB 1995-07-03
netepic.bbs File List 25 688b 1995-07-03
order_de.doc Text File 80 4KB 1995-07-03
order_uk.doc Text File 116 5KB 1995-07-03
order.doc Text File 123 6KB 1995-07-03
sysop.doc Text File 145 6KB 1995-07-03
vendor.doc Text File 125 4KB 1995-07-03

Other Files (45)
dos4gw.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 255KB 1995-07-03
file0001.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 33KB 1995-07-03
helpme.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 15KB 1995-07-03
master.dat MS-DOS/Windows Executable 516KB 1995-07-03
netarena.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 75KB 1995-07-03
netipx.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 27KB 1995-07-03
netmodem.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1995-07-03
netterm.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 98KB 1995-07-03
omf.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1995-07-03
order.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 317KB 1995-07-03
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 107KB 1995-07-03
mdrv000r.mus MASI Music Driver 5KB 1995-07-03
mdrv001r.mus MASI Music Driver 504b 1995-07-03
mdrv003r.mus MASI Music Driver 5KB 1995-07-03
mdrv004r.mus MASI Music Driver 10KB 1995-07-03
mdrv005r.mus MASI Music Driver 9KB 1995-07-03
scores.dat All Null Bytes 2KB 1995-07-03
altpals.dat Unknown 8KB 1995-07-03
arena2.bk Unknown 139KB 1995-07-03
charsmal.dat Unknown 1KB 1995-07-03
credits.bk Unknown 112KB 1995-07-03
english.dat Unknown 93KB 1995-07-03
fightr0.af Unknown 358KB 1995-07-03
fightr1.af Unknown 511KB 1995-07-03
fightr2.af Unknown 494KB 1995-07-03
fightr3.af Unknown 356KB 1995-07-03
german.dat Unknown 97KB 1995-07-03
graphchr.dat Unknown 2KB 1995-07-03
intro.bk Unknown 198KB 1995-07-03
katushai.trn Unknown 20KB 1995-07-03
main.bk Unknown 83KB 1995-07-03
mechlab.bk Unknown 514KB 1995-07-03
melee.bk Unknown 385KB 1995-07-03
newsroom.bk Unknown 91KB 1995-07-03
north_am.bk Unknown 189KB 1995-07-03
north_am.pic Unknown 44KB 1995-07-03
north_am.trn Unknown 33KB 1995-07-03
players.pic Unknown 14KB 1995-07-03
random.dat Unknown 256b 1995-07-03
setup.box Unknown 24b 1995-07-03
setup.cfg Unknown 296b 1995-07-03
sounds.dat Unknown 281KB 1995-07-03
vs.bk Unknown 182KB 1995-07-03
war.trn Unknown 27KB 1995-07-03
world.trn Unknown 37KB 1995-07-03